Showing posts with label temple recommend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label temple recommend. Show all posts

Imagining Different Temple Recommend Questions

If I could make any changes of my own to the temple recommend questions, what would they be?

  • Change the language from referencing God, the Eternal Father to Heavenly Parents.
  • Ask specifically if the individual sustains the female leadership and membership of the Church.
  • Rewords questions 6 and 7, and ask if the person strives to follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, rather than the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  • Return to the original practice of making the Word of Wisdom optional. 
  • Add unresolved criminal conduct that should be reported to legal authorities, especially in relation to appropriate physical conduct towards children and minors to question 14.
  • Remove any understanding that the Law of Chastity limits marriage on the basis of sex or gender. We would hold the same standard of monogamy and premarital sex for everyone, regardless of their sexuality or gender.

While the idea of having no questions at all is appealing to me on the surface, the idea of setting people up for failure when they're making covenants during the endowment does not. I don't think the problem is in being strict. It's in being strict about the wrong things.

As the questions read now, they measure compliance with and conformity to the Church and its leadership. I've always felt that was inappropriate. That is not the defining feature of what makes me a moral person worthy of God's presence.

The emphasis, in my mind, should be on how we strive to follow the perfect example of Jesus Christ. That is the only standard by which we should measure ourselves, or submit to be measured by anyone else.

Exploring the New Temple Recommend Interview Questions

Temple recommend interviews are among my least favorite experiences in the Church. I would rather show up early on a Saturday morning and clean toilets than do a temple recommend interview. They make me nervous, I hate the feeling of being judge and scrutinized on elements of my personal life, and I can never wait for them to just be over with. For the overly anxious people who were averse to getting in trouble at school, the experience can feel a lot like getting pulled into the principle's office and interrogated about personal conduct.

I know I'm not alone in that. And there were many ways that these struggles came to the forefront when the new temple recommend questions were released.

When Sustaining Church Leadership is HARD

I recently had a conversation with someone who was having hard time sustaining an individual church leader. It was leaving them in a place where they were unsure of how to proceed, knowing that they have these feelings.

To sustain someone does not mean to agree with or uphold everything a person says or does. It's a commitment to help someone be successful in their service to God and keeping the commandments. Vehemently disagreeing with them when they're out of line is sometimes the only way to actually do that.

If you genuinely believe a church leader can do better in their calling, I don't think that feeling is a problem in and of itself.

If you find yourself genuinely hating that person, wishing harm on them, or no longer believing they've been divinely called, I'd say that's where the line is.

If it were me speaking for myself, I'd probably explain I have no problem with the idea that apostles exist and they're called through the Church by Jesus Christ, since that what the question asks. No where in the question does that mean I have to agree with everything they say and do.  

Even if I found myself in a place where I believe a particular leader is so bad at their calling, much of what they say and do is a reflection of themselves, rather than the office they hold, there's nothing in the temple recommend question that prevents me from holding that view. At that point, sustaining that person can simply mean committing to minimize the harm they might do, while praying for them so they can do better.

If that's the only kind of sustaining someone can provide, I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Sometimes, that's all the faith a person has to offer, and no one can ever ask more than that.

Dissent and Disagreement

The questions regarding the teachings, practices, and doctrines of the Church is one that always makes me nervous because I instantly start overthinking it.

Something that has helped me is realizing that this question doesn't ask if I agree with all the leadership the Church has ever had, past or present. 

Rather, it asks if I agree with the Church, and I am the Church. (See 1 Cor. 12) My definition of the Church when answering this question has to include what I think, not just what various individual church leaders think. Which is convenient, because there are plenty of times when church leaders throughout the history of the Church have disagreed and contradicted each other.

If there is room for church leaders to disagree with each other, there certainly has to be room for me when I respectfully disagree with them on various issues.

Familial Conduct

The great thing about openly discussing these questions in a family setting is getting to hear the perspectives of our loved ones in how they approach these questions. It can help us to see them in ways we couldn't on our own.

My husband pointed out that there's absolutely no way to say "yes" to the question about having Christ-like conduct in your family relationships if you've ever kicked an LGBTQ+ kid out of your house.

Because, you know, how can you consider yourself worthy to enter the temple when you hate your own kids? I've never thought of it that way and I'm genuinely obsessed with that now. 

He also reminded me tonight of the time Jesus taught how it would be better for those who harm children to have millstones hung around their necks and to be cast into the sea. I never stopped to think before about that applying to LGBTQ+ kids either, and I'm equally obsessed with that too.

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