
So much to share, so little time before lunch.

But I'm fasting since I'm going to the temple tomorrow. And you know what? I haven't been swearing as much! AND I was perfectly nice to my friends this morning, with whom I am otherwise inconsiderate (You have to know me better to understand why I do that.) And it feels good, let me tell you, to see that I CAN be righteous.

I've been reading an article on the FAIRwiki, and it's REALLY fascinating. Seriously, it had me LAUGHING at times because of the conclusions it was drawing against fundamentalist Christians. I suggest that, if you're reading this entry, you need to also read this article.

I went to the historical society yesterday, and I managed to find a lot of relatives from my father's side of the family. I wanted to also find what I could for my mother's side, but that didn't really happen. Somehow, I think my father's family are the impatient ones on the other side of the veil. I think I ought to just go ahead and prepare what names I have, that way I can be certain I get ANY of them prepared, instead of going back to the historical society to see what else I can find. It was an amazing experience nonetheless, and I was so happy that I was able to be the one to bear the burden. I'll admit, it was a burden. I had to go immediately from school to the historical society to work, and I didn't get home until almost 9 PM. I only started to enter the information from my research to my family history software when I finally was so tired, I went to bed around midnight. I will definitely say, however, that it was worth it.

I talked to my mother last night about going to the temple. She didn't seem too thrilled about me going, since tomorrow is my birthday. But honestly, this is the best and only way I'd like to spend my birthday, especially since Ben is supposed to be coming with me.

As feminine as I DON'T want this to sound, I just have to figure out what I'm going to wear, since it has to be white. I do have some white skirts, but I think they have blue lines on the waistband, so we'll see what happens... I have other private matters that are of more importance at the moment, and I have someone looking into for me. Hopefully, THAT won't be an issue, because if it is, I might just have to cry. And we just can't have that.

I can't believe I'm finally going to the temple tomorrow! I can't can't CAN'T believe it! I have been waiting for so long, re-shaping myself constantly to make this happen, and it just seems so surreal now that it's the day before... I almost don't know what I'm going to do afterwards....

Prepare for my SECOND trip!

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